Journal Information
Original articles
Percentile curves of stereacuity in a Spanish paediatric population
Borja Navas-Navia, Laura Garcia-Montero, Belén Pérez-Sanchez, Clara Martínez-Pérez, César Villa-Collar
J Optom. 2022;15:191-8
Open access
Validation of the Spanish version of the Low Vision Quality of Life Questionnaire
Luis Pérez-Mañá, Genis Cardona, Yolanda Pardo-Cladellas, Clara Pérez-Mañá, Jaume Amorós-Martínez, Luis González-Sanchís, James S. Wolffsohn, Alfonso Antón
J Optom. 2022;15:199-209
Open access
Effect of caffeine on superficial retinal vasculature of the macula in high myopes using optical coherence tomography angiography – A pilot study
Victoria KM Law, Andrew KC Lam
J Optom. 2022;15:210-8
Open access
Visual and satisfaction results with implantation of the trifocal Panoptix® intraocular lens in cataract surgery
Virgilio Galvis, Luis C Escaf, Luis J Escaf, Alejandro Tello, Lisi D Rodríguez, Ruth Lapid-Gortzak, Néstor I Carreño, Rubén D Berrospi, ... Paul A Camacho
J Optom. 2022;15:219-27
Open access
Convergence insufficiency symptom survey (CISS) scores are predictive of severity and number of clinical signs of convergence insufficiency in young adult Africans
Charles Darko-Takyi, Andrew Owusu-Ansah, Frank Boampong, Enyam Komla Morny, Francisca Hammond, Stephen Ocansey
J Optom. 2022;15:228-37
Open access
The equations of ametropia: Predicting myopia
Francisco Gaya, Antonio Medina
J Optom. 2022;15:238-46
Open access
Scientific letters
Dynamic visual acuity and methods of measurement
Nir Erdinest, Naomi London
J Optom. 2022;15:247-8
Open access
Estimating the prevalence of heterochromia iridum from high-resolution digital yearbook portraits
Matthew Dabkowski, John Case, Ian Kloo, Julie Pickett
J Optom. 2022;15:248-50
Open access
Letter to the editor
Colored filters enhancing visual evoked potential (VEP) response in multiple sclerosis
Naveen K. Yadav, Valerie L. Quan
J Optom. 2022;15:251-3
Open access