Journal Information
Tear exchange and contact lenses: A review
Alex Muntz, Lakshman N. Subbaraman, Luigina Sorbara, Lyndon Jones
J Optom. 2015;8:2-11
Open access
Original articles
Diffusion and Monod kinetics model to determine in vivo human corneal oxygen-consumption rate during soft contact lens wear
Luis F. Del Castillo, Ana R. Ferreira da Silva, Saul I. Hernández, M. Aguilella, Andreu Andrio, Sergio Mollá, Vicente Compañ
J Optom. 2015;8:12-8
Open access
Overnight corneal swelling with high and low powered silicone hydrogel lenses
Amir M. Moezzi, Desmond Fonn, Jalaiah Varikooty, Trefford L. Simpson
J Optom. 2015;8:19-26
Open access
Comparative evaluation of Comfilcon A and Senofilcon A bandage contact lenses after transepithelial photorefractive keratectomy
Achyut Mukherjee, Antonis Ioannides, Ioannis Aslanides
J Optom. 2015;8:27-32
Open access
Publication analysis of the contact lens field: What are the current topics of interest?
Genís Cardona, Joan P. Sanz
J Optom. 2015;8:33-9
Open access
Evaluation of safety and efficacy of a new multipurpose disinfecting solution on silicone hydrogel contact lenses
José Pinto-Fraga, Francisco Blázquez Arauzo, Rubén Urbano Rodríguez, María J. González-García
J Optom. 2015;8:40-7
Open access
Short-term corneal changes with gas-permeable contact lens wear in keratoconus subjects: A comparison of two fitting approaches
Miguel Romero-Jiménez, Jacinto Santodomingo-Rubido, Patricia Flores-Rodríguez, Jose-Manuel González-Méijome
J Optom. 2015;8:48-55
Open access
Barriers, motivators and enablers for dispensing multifocal contact lenses in Mumbai, India
Nilesh Thite, Ukti Shah, Jasmin Mehta, Janice Jurkus
J Optom. 2015;8:56-61
Open access
Scientific letter
Corneal and conjunctival sensitivity in intolerant contact lens wearers
Fiona Stapleton, Blanka Golebiowski, Cheryl Skotnitsky, Maxine E. Tan, Brien A. Holden
J Optom. 2015;8:62-3
Open access