Journal Information
Original articles
Is reading rate in digital eyestrain influenced by binocular and accommodative anomalies?
Robert Yammouni, Bruce J.W. Evans
J Optom. 2021;14:229-39
Open access
Public knowledge of low vision and blindness, and readability of on-topic online information
Marta Lupón, Genís Cardona, Manuel Armayones
J Optom. 2021;14:240-6
Open access
Vision therapy for intermittent exotropia: A case series
Martin Ming-Leung Ma, Ying Kang, Chao Chen, Cuiyun Su, Zhen Tian, Meihua Le
J Optom. 2021;14:247-53
Open access
Introducing a new method of retinoscopy for refraction of infants and young children: The “Mirza” tele lens retinoscopy
Ali Mirzajani, Rasoul Amini Vishteh, Masoumeh Khalilian
J Optom. 2021;14:254-62
Open access
Comparison, within-session repeatability and normative data of three phoria tests
Alessio Facchin, Silvio Maffioletti
J Optom. 2021;14:263-74
Open access
The repeatability and reproducibility of four techniques for measuring horizontal heterophoria: Implications for clinical practice
Nicola S. Anstice, Bianca Davidson, Bridget Field, Joyce Mathan, Andrew V. Collins, Joanna M. Black
J Optom. 2021;14:275-81
Open access
Vestibulo ocular reflex in multiple sclerosis patients without any optic neuritis
Javad Heravian Shandiz, Sadegh Jafarzadeh, Habibeh Fathi, Mohsen Foroughipour, Maliheh Karimpour
J Optom. 2021;14:282-6
Open access
Feasibility of optical quality analysis system for the objective assessment of accommodation insufficiency: a phase 1 study
Esther López-Artero, Nuria Garzón, Manuel Rodríguez-Vallejo, María García-Montero
J Optom. 2021;14:287-94
Open access
Letter to the editor
The extent of scam in the scientific world — How intellectual can the scam appear?
Jameel Rizwana Hussaindeen
J Optom. 2021;14:295-6
Open access