Journal Information
Genetic risk factors and age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
Maryam Mousavi, Richard A. Armstrong
J Optom. 2013;6:176-84
Open access
Original articles
Application of texture analysis in tear film surface assessment based on videokeratoscopy
David Alonso-Caneiro, Dorota H. Szczesna-Iskander, D. Robert Iskander, Scott A. Read, Michael J. Collins
J Optom. 2013;6:185-93
Open access
Bioimage informatics approach to automated meibomian gland analysis in infrared images of meibography
Turgay Celik, Hwee Kuan Lee, Andrea Petznick, Louis Tong
J Optom. 2013;6:194-204
Open access
In vitro and in vivo delivery of the secretagogue diadenosine tetraphosphate from conventional and silicone hydrogel soft contact lenses
Carmen Olalla Dominguez-Godinez, Alba Martin-Gil, Gonzalo Carracedo, Ana Guzman-Aranguez, José Manuel González-Méijome, Jesús Pintor
J Optom. 2013;6:205-11
Open access
Agreement of glaucoma specialists and experienced optometrists in gonioscopy and optic disc evaluation
Addepalli U. Kumar, Ganesh B. Jonnadula, Chandrasekhar Garudadri, Harsha L. Rao, Sirisha Senthil, Eric B. Papas, Padmaja Sankaridurg, Rohit C. Khanna
J Optom. 2013;6:212-8
Open access
Self induced digital pressure associated with significant transient corneal distortions in a pediatric patient – A multi disciplinary approach
Haya Shames, Sharon Goldberg, Cyril Kahloun, Philip Fine, Eyal Gal, Dov Rosen, Jennie Goldstein, Ariela Gordon-Shaag
J Optom. 2013;6:219-24
Open access