Journal Information
A change in the global competition for research publication in the Journal of Optometry
Robert Montés-Micó, José Manuel González-Méijome
J Optom. 2010;3:67
Open access
Reading in children with low vision
Balsam Alabdulkader, Susan J. Leat
J Optom. 2010;3:68-73
Open access
Macular pigment and its contribution to visual performance and experience
James Loughman, Peter A. Davison, John M. Nolan, Mukunda C. Akkali, Stephen Beatty
J Optom. 2010;3:74-90
Open access
Case report
Congenital combined eyelid imbrication and floppy eyelid syndrome
Thabit Ali Abduallah Mustafa Odat, Janet Saeed Hina
J Optom. 2010;3:91-3
Open access
Original articles
A placebo-controlled trial of tinted lenses in adolescents with good and poor academic performance: reading accuracy and speed
Genís Cardona, Rosa Borràs, Elvira Peris, Marina Castañé
J Optom. 2010;3:94-101
Open access
Aging and topical pilocarpine concentrations effects on pupil size and tear flow rate
Michael O. Emina
J Optom. 2010;3:102-6
Open access
Intraocular straylight screening in medical testing centres for driver licence holders in Spain
Ralph Michael, Rafael I. Barraquer, Judith Rodríguez, Josep Tuñi i Picado, Joan Serra Jubal, Juan Carlos González Luque, Tom van den Berg
J Optom. 2010;3:107-14
Open access
Verification of conicoidal concave surfaces by keratometry
William A. Douthwaite, Edward A.H. Mallen
J Optom. 2010;3:115-21
Open access