Journal Information
Data, the future of Science and Clinical Practice
José M. González-Méijome, Rafael Navarro Belsué
J Optom. 2020;13:1-2
Open access
Sources of error in clinical measurement of the amplitude of accommodation
David H. Burns, Peter M. Allen, David F. Edgar, Bruce J.W. Evans
J Optom. 2020;13:3-14
Open access
Original articles
Peripheral refraction and spherical aberration profiles with single vision, bifocal and multifocal soft contact lenses
Cathleen Fedtke, Klaus Ehrmann, Ravi C. Bakaraju
J Optom. 2020;13:15-28
Open access
Presbyopic correction use and its impact on quality of vision symptoms
Ahmed Sivardeen, Colm McAlinden, James S. Wolffsohn
J Optom. 2020;13:29-34
Open access
Characterization of optical performance with defocusing curve: Analysis of two refractive intraocular lens models with high and medium addition
Jorge A. Calvo-Sanz, Miguel A. Sánchez-Tena
J Optom. 2020;13:35-40
Open access
Differential visual acuity – A new approach to measuring visual acuity
Susan J. Leat, Cristina Yakobchuk-Stanger, Elizabeth L. Irving
J Optom. 2020;13:41-9
Open access
Patient selection to optimize near vision performance with a low-addition trifocal lens
Joaquín Fernández, Manuel Rodríguez-Vallejo, Javier Martínez, Ana Tauste, David P. Piñero
J Optom. 2020;13:50-8
Open access
The relationship between clinical measures of aniseikonia and stereoacuity before and after LASIK
Ivana Mravicic, Maja Bohac, Selma Lukacevic, Kruno Jagaric, Merlak Maja, Sudi Patel
J Optom. 2020;13:59-68
Open access